I have griped on many occasions here about my struggle with my product photography. My first shop I only showed graphics of the offerings which was great because there was a nice consistency to the images, the downside in my opinion was that the client couldn't really get a feel for the actual product. With the launch of Besotted Brand I knew I wanted to up the ante with product shots, the only problem is that my product photography skills were null. I was at a loss for a few months, but then I feel that things began to change.  I wanted to give you a few tips that have helped me tremendous amounts and for those of you struggling may help you as well, which I have listed below:

1. This first tip may make you roll your eyes in the back of your head, but I am going to share it anyway--Take lot's of photos, all the time. In other words--practice.  Does that make you cringe?  I apologize, but truly the more bad shots I took the more good shots came about later as a result.

2. I took a class. Now I know not everyone has a budget for a class and this was not in mine either, but I figured I would forgo eating and see where the chips fall.  Bonus, I am thinner and more adept at my product photography skills.  The class I took was on line by Nicole's Classes. I am a huge fan of Nicole, she graduated from a very prestigious (and impossible to get into) photography school, she has worked with the industries top photographers and is a success in her own right working with publications such as Real Simple. This is a great class.

3. I bought a tripod. Okay, I should state that I owned a tripod previously, or a poor excuse for a tripod, just flimsy and hard to work with.  I couldn't afford the tripod that I wanted so I invested in the best tripod I could afford. The number one difference with the new tripod is that it has a quick release, making it super easy to pull my camera off the tripod and shoot at different angles. I adore this feature.  I bought this tripod, with this ball head.

These are only three quick tips, but I feel that they were instrumental in taking me from dark, dank and blurry shots to the shot above, which isn't perfect but leaps & bounds better than where I was when I started. If you have any questions for me leave them in the comments and I am happy to try to answer them.

P.S. This is my new Parcel Twine Trio, I will be giving a set away next week, but if you can't wait you can get your set here.

diane @ a spot of whimsy (January 12, 2012 at 7:22 AM)  

great tips, miss b. i'm not photographing products, but i just got my first dslr and am trying to take the best pictures i can!

Susan (January 12, 2012 at 8:04 AM)  

Good advice...I need to take a class AND get a tripod!

katie [the bright life] (January 12, 2012 at 9:18 AM)  

Great tips! I'd love to take a photography class...will definitely keep Nicole's in mind for the future! Xo, Katie

burlap+blue (January 12, 2012 at 10:03 AM)  

YES. Great tips...purchasing a tripod was the best decision I made!
Also, I try to remind people that an expensive camera does not make you a good photographer. Likewise, you CAN take good pictures with a point and shoot! Practice makes perfect, not pricey equipment. Thanks for the tips! xo

Miss B. (January 12, 2012 at 12:41 PM)  

Thank you ladies and I concur with Burlap + Blue, don't get caught up in the equipment as much as working with the camera + lens (or point & shoot) you own and try to get great results from that. I didn't own a DSLR for THREE long years after I started getting into photography!

Tori (January 12, 2012 at 12:48 PM)  

Thanks for the tips and the course recommendation! I'll be opening up an Etsy shop in the spring so photographing my products constantly stays on the brain!

Eileen {bluebirdluxe} (January 13, 2012 at 2:12 AM)  

Wonderful tips, Miss B., thank you! :) I'll definitely be looking into the class!

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Miss B.