If you have spent any time here you may have deduced that I am a bit quirky, or as my Latin mother would say, "Ju aaard (rolled 'r') so corky". Yes, I am both quirky & corky I suppose. My latest quirk has involved my bibliophilia and gadget obsession. Last Christmas my husband gifted me a Kindle Fire and I promptly developed my newest quirk/cork. On said Kindle I can download the first few chapters of a book I may be interested in, this is enough to usually entice a potential buyer to go to the check-out to continue reading the full tome. In my unique case I have developed a mini compulsion with reading the first few chapters of oh, about 100 (or a 1,000) or more books. That's what I have been doing every evening for the better part of a year-- reading chapters of multiple books. It's an enjoyable pastime and it's free, so I have continued this pursuit with gusto. When my husband borrowed my Kindle for a flight cross country he was insensed to discover my peccadillo. He would start to delve into what he thought was going to be a thrilling read only to find that my Kindle was loaded with these teaser chapters, which prompted him to ask, "What is wrong with you?" Last night after I confessed my obsession to one of my all time favorite people, I realized how insane it seemed, not the act mind you, but my palpable excitement at describing the sheer joy I get from this weird 'thrill'. I think I scared her with my over the top enthusiasm. I hung up and decided to finally download some books come bed time, full versions, I did after all have a gift certificate from last Christmas that I was hoarding. I chose non-fiction because I find reality/life infinitely more interesting, but I do believe The Night Circus will be the next fiction book I read. The books that I will be reading well into the new year will be The Psychopath Test by Jon Ronson. If you listen to This American Life the name may be familiar to you. Mr. Ronson is smart + funny, I like that in an author. Moon Walking With Einstein is the type of title that compels you to read on, that's just creative genius, right? The book is about a subject that I have great interest in--memory. The subtitle is 'The Art and Science of Remembering Everything'. It's a serious goal of mine for 2013 to become a mental athlete, since physical athlete hasn't panned out thus far. I found Pigeons by Andrew D. Blechman from Jules's book club pin board. I am an animal lover and I have always had a lot of respect for pigeons, they aren't as 'rat with wings' as you may think, they are actually surprisingly interesting. I think this will be a good read. Lastly, (and I can't wait to start this one) is Agent ZigZag by Ben Mcintyre. I am a little in love with Mr. Mcintyre, loved The Napoleon of Crime and all the other teaser chapters I have read from his extensive output. I am sure this book will be a hum dinger of a story it has already been optioned to be made into a movie.
So, this my friends, I do believe is my last post for 2012. I am saddened to say farewell (albeit temporary), but I have to finish up the much needed overhaul of the blog re-design and that means I will have to shut this space down for a wee bit. I am getting very excited for you to come visit my new 'home' on the web! I'll still be around the usual places like Pinterest +Instagram and I may even try my hand at that Tweeting bit you kids do. Don't fret you will still be able to find me blathering somewhere in the ether!